A forever kind of love

I just saw the movie Twilight.  The Stephenie Meyer series is by far the best I’ve read in years.  The movie was great and it got me thinking about the kind of love I want in my life.  Sounds corny but I want the kind of love Edward and Bella share, the same sort of intensity.  I wonder if it’s even possible but I know my heart aches whenever I see it and I long for it with everything that I am. 

I’ve always said I wanted to grow old with someone I could have long chats with on the porch in our rocking chairs when we’re old and grey.  I want a best friend, a lover, someone who makes my life better just for being in it.  Someone who stretches me, challenges me to learn and grow to be a better person.  I want a forever kind of love, the stuff of fairy tales.  Does it really exist?

All I can say is I hope it happens soon.  How much longer do I have to wait to find you?  If you’re out there, please hurry, I’m tired of waiting.